Mystery in Stone - Fuji x100s, 1/80, f/2, ISO 3200, Infrared filter |
On a recent conference visit to Europe I traveled light, so I only took my little
Fuji x100s with me and left the backpack full of DSLR gear at home. One of the places I got to visit was
Stonehenge, which has always been on my bucket list. It was a hot, cloudless day. The light was bad, and there were throngs of tourists, so I wasn't expecting to get anything decent, but I took lots of pictures anyway. In particular, I took a few shots with my infrared filter, which works really well on the x100s, allowing me to take handheld exposures (I had forgotten my tripod).
I felt that the stones have a more "otherworldly" look in the infrared, which increased the mystery of the place. Dialing down the "clarity' slider in Lightroom did the rest. I'm quite happy with the result.